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NEON research: fastcharging the future of electric trucks

  • Door:
    NEON research (TU Eindhoven)
  • Datum:
    dinsdag 11 oktober 2022
  • Tijd:
    15:00 - 15:30
  • Locatie:
    Praktijktheater Mobiliteit
  • NEON research: fastcharging the future of electric trucks

    Interested in the business case for electric trucks or wondering how we will charge them?

    Swapnil Shekar explains how he will predict the rise of electric trucks by using agent-based models that incorporate the business ecosystem and learning curves.

    Victor Reyes Dreke, Ygor Pereira Marca, Kaveh Pouresmaeil and Sicheng Gong will show how they are developing an ultra fast charger that can connect electric trucks to the medium voltage grid directly.

    Warning: get ready for a lot of academic theory.